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We build skid and DOT pull sprayers for the lawn maintenance industry with many different configurations. Simple slide-in units for pick-ups, units to go into Sprinter type trucks, trailers with multiple tanks or combination of tanks, pumps and reels.
Our sod sprayers are designed to provide low impact on your fields to reduce wasted grass from sharp turns causing unsaleable areas. We can make any size combination up to 1000 ga tanks and 60 ft. booms. The sprayers can be setup with any of the most recent Precision Ag products like rate control, section control, boom height control, and direct product injection of chemicals in either CANBUS or ISOBUS configurations.
Tank sizes from to 110 to 1105 gallons
Hydraulic booms up to 60’
Manual booms up to 35’
Wide tires for flotation over turf
Pin hitch and jackstand
Boom sizes between 12’ and 60’
Boom valves
Spray tips
Pressure regulating valves
Foam marker
Rate controller
GPS speed and guidance
Image Gallery
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